Languages |
Embedded and Real-Time Programming Languages
ac6-formation provides trainings on the various languages used in embedded systems. We propose courses on C, C++, Java and Python. Our coursse are tailored to the use of these languages in the embedded world context, with exercises targeting these environments.
You can see detailed course descriptions of the various trainings by using the above navigation bar. You can also click on course identifiers in the following course briefs hereafter.
Main Courses
The Google Android system is becoming more prominent in the world of mobile devices and can be found both in the general public domain and in the industrial world. Programming Android applications requires a thorough knowledge of some advanced aspects of the Java language.
This course covers these aspects without addressing the points not used on Android or covered in the Android courses. knowledge of issues it addresses is a prerequisite for writing Android applications or to work on the source code of the Android platform.
Learn to program in an OS independent way using the Python language.
High Performance Computing (HPC) is more and more frequent in embedded systems, for graphics rendering, virtual reality of parallel computing. The OpenCL language allows to program in a more or less hardware-independent way complex parallel algorithms that will be able to run on various hardware platforms.
This course is the combination of the L3 - Embedded C++ course and L10 - Embedded Modern C++ Programming course; it is intended for engineers that switch from C programming to C++ and want to learn everything about classic and modern C++ programming for embedded systems.
Additional Courses
Real-time and embedded code, especially targetting multicore processors, cannot be effectively tested; it must be validated before coding. This training help you master mutitask and real-time programming of multi-core processors, understanding how to effectively solve problems using the primitives provided by the underlying Operating System.