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H2 Lattice Diamond

Mastering Diamond for FPGA optimisation and debug

  • Learn the use of the Lattice Diamond toolset
  • Learn how to optimize a design to meet
    • A mandatory working frequency
    • Constraints of clock synchronization
  • Learn how to debug a design by
    • Simulation
    • Insertion of the Reveal trace kernel
All exercises are conducted on Lattice FPGA-based boards.
  • A Windows PC for two trainees with the Lattice Diamond toolset
  • A Lattice target board
  • Printed course material with ample space to take notes
  • Hans-on labs manual and detailed solutions
  • Theoretical course
    • PDF course material (in English) supplemented by a printed version.
    • The trainer answers trainees' questions during the training and provide technical and pedagogical assistance.
  • At the start of each session the trainer will interact with the trainees to ensure the course fits their expectations and correct if needed
  • Any embedded systems engineer or technician with the above prerequisites.
  • The prerequisites indicated above are assessed before the training by the technical supervision of the traineein his company, or by the trainee himself in the exceptional case of an individual trainee.
  • Trainee progress is assessed by quizzes offered at the end of various sections to verify that the trainees have assimilated the points presented
  • At the end of the training, each trainee receives a certificate attesting that they have successfully completed the course.
    • In the event of a problem, discovered during the course, due to a lack of prerequisites by the trainee a different or additional training is offered to them, generally to reinforce their prerequisites,in agreement with their company manager if applicable.

Course Outline

  • Diamond projects
  • Tools and environment options
  • Assigning pin locations and timing preferences
  • Map the design
  • Perform post-map static timing analysis
  • Place and Route the design
    • select PAR options
  • Perform post-route static timing analysis
    • View device implementation
    • identify critical paths
  • Perform static, post-PAR, timing analysis
    • Max frequency analysis
    • Setup and Hold time analysis
    • Clock to output delay analysis
  • Optimize Mapping, Placement and Routing
    • avoid using IO blocks in critical paths
    • use VHDL signal attributes
  • Use a PLL to minimize clock delays
    • The IPexpres tool
    • Using IPexpress to add a PLL to a design
    • possible impact on clock-to-out delays
  • PAR optimisation strategies
    • Use PAR effort settings to enhance timings
    • Use Multi-placement mode
    • Use routing-only (reentrant) PAR
  • Use PLL parameter to further compensate for clock delays
  • Use guided placement
    • create floorplanning directives in the HDL source
    • create floorplanning directives using the design planner
    • create floorplanning directives in the preferences file
  • Look at device implementation afetr optimization
    • look at routing congestion
  • Using the Power Calculator
    • Estimating the Activity Factor
    • Estimate temperature impact
    • Estimate the device selection impact
  • Creating the test-bench with Lattice Diamond
    • using the automatically generated test-bench template
    • completing the testbench
  • Simulation with Aldec Active-HDL
    • functional simulation
    • post PAR dynamic timing simulation
  • The Reveal on-chip debugger
  • The Reveal Inserter
    • Add the Reveal core to your design
    • Add signals to trace
    • Add triggers and trigger expressions
  • The Reveal Analyzer
    • Creating a Reveal Analyzer project
    • Attach to the device
  • Run the device and fetch traces
    • Display signal waveforms
    • single trigger capture mode